Melissa Taylor's Sessions
“Free to Be You and Me” The Power of Authenticity and Allyship
Day 1: 12:35 pm - 12:55 pm CT.
Panel Discussion- Educating on Empathy
Day 2: 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm CT.
Melissa Taylor is Porter Novelli’s Global Learning and Development director and brings a unique combination of coaching, professional development and strategic planning and research expertise. She creates inspirational programs that can be put into practice immediately based on her understanding of the L&D and PR/marketing fields, with particular expertise in leadership and behavior change. Consistently rated by participants as an engaging, enthusiastic and knowledgeable presenter, Taylor has traveled around the globe conducting training on a variety of topics, including leadership and team development, presentation skills, talent management, behavior change theory and numerous research methodologies. Taylor is a certified professional coach and earned her master’sin health communication from the University of Maryland, College Park. She loves teaching and for 16 years has taught social marketing at Emory University’s Graduate School of Public Health, where she was awarded Adjunct Faculty Honoree for Excellence.